If you have an online business, it’s essential to understand what’s happening to your website traffic on a regular basis. We can help! You don’t want any huge drop-offs or spikes in visits and pageviews; they could signal something is wrong with your site or that you need to start marketing differently. If your site traffic is healthy, track and monitor those numbers over time so you can see how successful your campaigns are and how much engagement you get. Then you can use that information when determining new campaigns or promotional activities. This will help build customer loyalty over time as they see improvements in their experience on your site; plus, it will show that customers are coming back regularly—which means repeat business for you!

Your website can tell you a lot about your customers. Looking at data and statistics is a good way to determine what they like, don’t like, where they go on your site, how much time they spend on each page and more. This data can help you tailor your content specifically to them and improve their experience when visiting your site. For example, if you notice that visitors often bounce off your landing page in just seconds (even though it’s optimized for conversion), then you’ll know that there’s something about that particular page which needs improvement.

Eagle IT can take your pre-existing website and make it a statistical powerhouse! Learn what’s getting your visitors attention — and what’s not. Learn where your customers are coming from — and where they’re going. Call us today to go over your options for Web Analytics.